How to Conduct Informal Meetings

If you think of formal meetings, you may imagine a meeting with a strict agenda and a designated speaker and a strict procedure. One could take notes in a formal manner and follow a specific structure. For informal gatherings, these rules may not you could try this out be in place.

The topic of the discussion will determine the mood and how people interact in the meeting, regardless of whether they are voting or discussing. For example, a meeting that is solely focused on old business and loose ends would be a good opportunity to address important items that were previously unfinished, and discuss the impact these items will have on future work. A meeting that includes an agenda item about new business plans might provide an excellent opportunity for discussion of these new initiatives, and assessing how they fit in the overall business strategy.

It is crucial that the participants feel comfortable speaking their ideas in the meeting, and that they don’t worry about how their opinions will be received. If you observe that a person is hesitant to speak up, consider expanding the discussion by asking them to speak on an issue brought up by another participant in the group. This will help keep the group focused on the discussion itself instead of conflicting personalities. As the meeting progresses, it is important to ensure that the conversation stays on the right track and the quorum of participants is in attendance. It is also helpful to follow up with participants following the meeting and request feedback, since this will increase the importance of their involvement in the outcome of the meeting.

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